Pet Policy.
Pet friendly apartments.

Not just a home for humans. Pets are welcome here too.

Pets are very welcome at The Castings, so feel free to bring your furry friends.

We love pets here in The Castings and welcome our residents to bring their pet along to enhance their lifestyle and living experience. We have a few regulations and rules which need to be followed to ensure all residents have a good experience throughout their stay.

There is a maximum allowance for 2 pets per property. All residents’ animals must be registered and approved by us. We will require the following information in order to confirm approval for you to keep the pet:

Permission to keep a pet

By providing the details of your Pet above you are making a request to keep that Pet at the Property. Nothing in this policy constitutes our agreement for you to keep the Pet at the Property. We will confirm in writing whether you have permission to keep the Pet at the Property

We will not grant permission for you to keep any pets other than dogs, cats, fish and birds. Exotic pets including large exotic birds such as parrots and macaws are not allowed. All animals listed in the schedule of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 or listed within the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 will be forbidden.

Aquariums with a volume over 90 litres are not allowed.

If we grant permission for you to keep a pet, you will be required to sign a pet agreement which will set out your obligations.

Pet perks

We are proud of our community and love hosting resident events. This includes socials for pets so please look out for our e-newsletter to ensure you and your pet don’t miss out! Events such as Yappy Hour encourage our resident pets to meet up and go for a walk together. We can also point you in the right direction for the best dog walks and dog walking services in town.

We have a bar situated in our communal area. Feel free to give your dog a treat, some water on the way in/out or simply play some games to make full use of our bark bar.

We love showing off our pets within the community so feel free to send in some pictures for us to share on our social media of your pet enjoying their home and environment.

We also have pooch pods alongside working desks located in our communal areas where your pets can be with you whilst you are working. The pets have to be accompanied at all times.

If any of the points are unclear, please contact the community support team to discuss them further.

1. The clauses below apply in addition to the obligations set out in the tenancy agreement dated [ ] between [SH Reading] (the “Landlord”) and [Tenant named in AST] for the Property (the “Tenancy Agreement”). The individual(s) named as the Resident(s) above represent the “Tenant” within this agreement. Where there is a conflict between the Tenancy Agreement and the clauses in this Pet Agreement then this Pet Agreement will override the Tenancy Agreement. The definitions in the Tenancy Agreement will apply to this Pet Agreement.

2. The Landlord has granted permission for the Tenant to keep the Pet at the Property subject to the Tenant agreeing to comply with the obligations set out in this Pet Agreement and in the Tenancy Agreement.

3. The Landlord or the Managing Agent may withdraw the permission for the Tenant to keep the Pet at the Property by giving reasonable notice to the Tenant. The Landlord or the Managing Agent may withdraw this permission if the Tenant breaches any term of the Pet Agreement, if the Pet causes any nuisance within the Building, or on any other reasonable grounds.

4. The Tenant agrees with the Landlord that:

a. The Tenant is responsible for the care of the Pet in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act 2006. If the Landlord or the Managing Agent believes the care of the Pet in the Property to be substandard, including neglect or abandonment, this will be reported to an animal welfare organisation.

b. The Tenant must not leave the Pet alone in the Property for an extended period whilst they are out or away. Suitable arrangements must be made by the Tenant for the care of the Pet whilst they are away from the Property as appropriate, including during short periods of absence for the purpose of work or personal visits.

c. The Tenant must ensure all vaccinations & flea/worm/pest treatments for the Pet are up to date during their stay in the Property.

d. The Tenant is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and ventilation of the Property and furniture inside as set out in the Tenancy Agreement.

e. The Tenant will be liable at the end of the tenancy to make any additional payments required for the additional cleaning of the Property due to the occupation of the Pet during the tenancy if required and this will be calculated as a reasonable fee, taking into consideration general wear and tear and the length of the tenancy.

f. The Tenant must ensure the Pet does not cause nuisance through noise, smell or intimidation to any other residents, contractors, or the Landlord’s agents or employees within the Community or those who are instructed to attend from time to time and the Tenant must make themselves available to control the Pet during any inspection or attendance by any such person.

g. The Tenant must keep their Pet under control and on a lead or carried in a suitable pet carrier in any public places, communal areas including walkways, stairwells & garden areas within the Building or its immediate environs.

h. The Tenant must not allow the Pet to foul inside the Property or Building or Garden Terraces , except for caged pets or those trained to use a litter tray. Any pet faeces must be removed promptly, at least within the same day and disposed of in a safe & hygienic manner.

i. The Tenant must not breed animals or offer for sale any animal in the Property.

j. The Tenant must not keep in the Property any animal listed in the Schedule of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 or listed within the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

k. The Tenant agrees no further animals other than those stated above may be brought into the Building or kept in the Property without first applying for permission and obtaining written approval from the Landlord or the Managing Agent.

l. The Tenant agrees to compensate the Landlord for any losses suffered due to any infestation or damage caused by the Pet in the property.

m. The Tenant agrees to remove the Pet from the property permanently upon being given reasonable written notice if the Pet causes any nuisance within the Building or for any other reasonable reason given by the Landlord or the Managing Agent.

By signing these terms and conditions, you are entering into a legally binding contract with the Landlord and you will be bound by all of the terms above.

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